This is a blog about lipids.  The following articles are intended to be varied and so there is something for everyone.  So, if you are a scientist who wants to know about lipids, please read on, and especially if you are not a scientist, please read on.  If you are neither a scientist, nor a non-scientist, you can read on too.

Lipids are something of an emerging force in physical and life sciences research.  The last century has seen huge advances in our understanding of proteins and of DNA, but lipids have been less easy to pin down and their importance is only now coming to light.

If you are unfamiliar with lipids, you may like to read an introduction to this area of interest.  You may also like to know why scientists like me want to study this at all.  For something about what lipids can do you can short cut by clicking here.  Articles cover aspects like applications in the home, in food and in medicine.  The biological and physical science behind lipids and what they do is also covered, as well as recent developments.  So, a variety of articles are published, some more science-based than others.

Suggestions for blog topics, and article submissions, are very welcome and should be made to the author.

 or the blog 


Article List – by date

01/01/2017 – Which Disease is it?

01/12/2016 – Is it our lipids that make us human?

01/08/2016 – Where breaking in half quickly is the point

01/07/2016 – Revealed: Lipids are Sexist, Temporemental and Local

01/05/2016  – Traitorous Fatty Acids

01/04/2016 – Lipids, Memory and Alzheimer’s Disease

01/03/2016 – Breaking Through the Membrane

01/02/2016 – One Gene Between Warm and Cold

01/01/2016 – Archaea and the Evidence for Evolution and Latching on to Tuberculosis

01/12/2015 – A Cellular Perspective on Disposing of Big Waste

01/11/2015 – Two is Company, Three is Lung Damage

01/10/2015 – The Enigma of Ethanol and the Sphynx

01/09/2015 – Lipids in the Cell Cycle

01/08/2015 – Bacteria Led to the Fridge so Cancer Will Lead to the…?

01/06/2015 – What can the Labial Gland of a Bee Tell us About Using Fat?

01/05/2015 – Banting Thin

01/04/2015 – A Search for the Origins of Life: Protocells and the Emergence of Lipids

01/03/2015 – Phosphatidyl ethanolamine: The Renaissance in a Lipid

01/02/2015 – Is Mental Illness All Down to a Change of Lipid Profile?

01/01/2015 – A Patch on the Membrane

01/12/2014 – How Can it be Frozen and Still Live?

01/11/2014 – Hitting Your Head Against a Brick

01/10/2014 – It All Flakes off When the Lipid Shortens

01/09/2014 – SNAREing Two Lipid Bilayers

01/07/2014 – Seeing Statins

01/05/2014 – Can We Fight Genetics with a Diet?

01/04/2014 – Sending a Lipid to the Wall

01/03/2014 – Ceramides, Ceramics and the Continued Development of a Theory

01/02/2014 – How Would You Explain Lipids to Someone Who Had Never Heard of Them?

01/01/2014 – Death by lipid: An Un-newsworthy Demise

01/12/2013  –  Chemistry, Biology and Physics in a single molecule: the story of PIP2

01/11/2013  –  A Lipid Liar that Turns Boys into Girls: Bisphenol A

01/10/2013  –  Microcapsules of Energy: Oil Bodies

01/09/2013 – Product Investigation: Sanctuary Active Reverse Lipid Recovery Facial Oil

01/08/2013 – A Brain Like a Sieve

01/06/2013 – Oxidative Stress on the Brain

01/05/2013  – Glycerides

01/04/2013  – A Raft of Concern About HIV

01/03/2013 – Controlling Stress

01/02/2013 – Elfosine: A Lipid with Applications in Cancer

01/12/2012 – I’ve Forgotten Where I Left that Lipid…

01/11/2012 – Emulsions

01/10/2012 – How Many Parents Does it Take to Change a Lipid?

01/09/2012 – A Cellular Problem with Water Purity

01/07/2012 – Life-Giving Bubbles

01/06/2012 – Lipid Rafts and a Possible Cure for Cancer That Could Go Viral

01/05/2012 – Recycling Retinal

01/04/2012 – Growing on the Surfactant

01/03/2012 – Lipids have Gone Quantum Dotty

18/02/2012 – Fat is a Biological Issue

09/02/2012 – When Plants Get Hormonal – Jasmonic Acid

02/02/2012 – Lipids – Where Do I Go?

26/01/2012 – At the Mercy of Ganglioside

19/01/2012 – How Hot is Hot? A Burning Question About a Hot Condiment

12/01/2012 – Suet: A Protective Subject

07/01/2012 – Bending in Two Different Directions at Once

07/01/2012 – Olive Oil: A Great Swindle…That Wasn’t

22/12/2011 – Biological signalling

15/12/2011 – Lipidomics

09/12/2011 – Curvy Biology

02/12/2011 – A Long Name, a Long Lipid: Docosahexaenoic Acid

24/11/2011 – What Do Membranes Do?

19/11/2011 – Cholesterol – A Two-Faced Dark Horse?

11/11/2011 – Bubbles, Bubbles, Everywhere, But Not a Drop to Drink

05/11/2011 – The Structure of a Membrane

25/10/2011 – Introduction

25/10/2011 – What is a Lipid?

25/10/2011 – Ransom™ Pure Lecithin – Product Review


Article List – alphabetical

It All Flakes off When the Lipid Shortens

Archaea and the Evidence for Evolution

At the Mercy of a Ganglioside

Bacteria Led to the Fridge so Cancer Will Lead to the…?

Bending in Two Different Directions at Once Biological signalling

A Brain Like a Sieve Bubbles, Bubbles, Everywhere, But Not a Drop to Drink

Breaking Through the Membrane

Can We Fight Genetics with a Diet?

A Cellular Perspective on Disposing of Big Waste

A Cellular Problem with Water Purity

Ceramides, Ceramics and the Continued Development of a Theory

Chemistry, Biology and Physics in a single molecule: the story of PIP2

Cholesterol – A Two-Faced Dark Horse?

Curvy Biology Death by lipid: An Un-newsworthy Demise

Elfosine: A Lipid with Applications in Cancer Emulsions

Fat is a Biological Issue

Growing on the Surfactant

Hitting Your Head Against a Brick

How Can it be Frozen and Still Live?

How Hot is Hot? A Burning Question About a Hot Condiment

How Many Parents Does it Take to Change a Lipid?

How Would You Explain Lipids to Someone Who Had Never Heard of Them?


I’ve Forgotten Where I Left that Lipid

Is it our lipids that make us human?

Latching on to Tuberculosis

Lipids have Gone Quantum Dotty

Lipids in the Cell Cycle

A Lipid Liar that Turns Boys into Girls: Bisphenol A Lipid Rafts and a Possible Cure for Cancer That Could Go Viral

Lipidomics Lipids – Where Do I Go?

Lipids, Memory and Alzheimer’s Disease

Life-Giving Bubbles A Long Name, a Long Lipid: Docosahexaenoic Acid

Is Mental Illness All Down to a Change of Lipid Profile?

Microcapsules of Energy: Oil Bodies

Olive Oil: A Great Swindle…That Wasn’t

Oxidative Stress on the Brain

Phosphatidyl ethanolamine: The Renaissance in a Lipid

Product Investigation: Sanctuary Active Reverse Lipid Recovery Facial Oil

Ransom™ Pure Lecithin – Product Review

Recycling Retinal

A Search for the Origins of Life: Protocells and the Emergence of Lipids

Seeing Statins

Sending a Lipid to the Wall

SNAREing Two Lipid Bilayers

The Structure of a Membrane

Suet: A Protective Subject

Traitorous fatty acids

Two is company, Three is Lung Damage

What Do Membranes Do?

What is a Lipid?

When Plants Get Hormonal – Jasmonic Acid

Where breaking in half quickly is the point

What can the Labial Gland of a Bee Tell us About Using Fat?

Which Disease is it?